This one deals with the List Shit...
The Shit List...
As I am listlessly listing lists of "List's"... I list over into a new realization that:
List's are shit.
Pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT!
Yet, by looking at it, (list's in fact), it can become a liberating experience to just list your lists! And this new list, now becomes a 'List of List's'! And no matter how you try to divide your shit... compartmentalize it... it just grows and grows and grows... Shit happens...
So, in order to use the magic of naming, or more specifically, the magic of words, one must take ownership over the word itself. And here, for our purposes, the word today is "List"...
So lean on over... in here a bit... List over... and List-en to this...
A "List" can be, by its very nature... untameable and never-ending. Overwhelming in fact! Hence why so many of us hate them!
They, meaning "List's", are vampiristic, soul-sucking excercises that must be exorcised into oblivion! One must get free from the force of list upon list, upon list... infinitum... ad nausium...
They, again meaning "List's", must be nutured, casterated and made tame!
Crushed! And SMASHED!
And in order to crush, Smash! and tame them, (again, these "List's"), one must sadly... list them...
I know, right?!
So, take a moment... Just breath... OK?
All better?
Let's continue:
This is exactly why "List's" are so damned evil. Just by naming them, they are envoked! Like some incantation, smoke enters the room to fill it (both the lister and the room), with dread and gloom... A green, low-laying fog of despair and listlessness rushes in... usually undetected...
They are sneaky like that...
But have no fear! For here lies a clue!!! This listlessness can be de-"ness"ed and segmented, to become somewhat more listless! And that can be de-"less"-ened, to become just a naked little-list, which is much more easy to deal with! And we can 'In-"ness"-ance', make that little list, less than its high-ness would like for you to think of her as... as from this... and from which, she is no high and mighty word... nor has she any royal claim in the land of words... but is only just a small irritation (and possible little gift), trying to make it in a big-word-world and in which, (with the help of many witches, warlocks, word-smiths and wanderers...), will allow you to kill the little bitch! (And don't get all bent out of shape here... you've cursed this little bitch called "List's" a thousand times over... and every-time you have had to face her... you've dreaded every moment... even when you lie to yourself and say... "we'll, it has got to be done, so here goes...", and you know in the back of your mind, that you hate her and you think your little-list won't grow into that MONSTER?! BULLSHIT! You know that somehow she will always grow! And she does... and you hate her for it. You loath the sight of her! "Damn it!" You've said it... and can't deny it... so deal with it and move on... I'm painting here.)
Now, for all practicle purposes, one must keep in mind, that when dealing with "List's", that one does not get lost in the 'Land-of-List's'... (Imagine a large echo-chamber here...) for this little-list-bitch it is a snake, eating its tail... and by so doing, grows as it consumes itself, into a larger and more unmanigable monster... And as each of these little respective monsters grows, then... they begin to become incorporated... to conspire... to become legion... and as they become incorporated... they get even more unmanigable! AHHhh..!!! The horror...
And the only way to kill it is to let it gorge itself, on its self until, for nothing else, it runs out of its own juices and becomes a listless mess of nothingness! Let her lay there... and good riddance!
She has been exorcised!
And you are now able to be free from the clutches of "List's", that if you listened... would find that it was list-less-ened... and the list was ended, dead and done...
Now the next time she rears her ugly little head, like a weed in a flower-bed, you'll identify it, pluck-it by the roots and throw it on that pile of How-to-Deal-with-your-Shit", that makes-up those life lessons... and there lies but yet another clue as to the doing's of language... its magic... its naming... and your "Lessons" will become: "Moresons" and we always know MORE is better than LESS! And yes, Less is More... but that is another story for another time...
Travel well and row gently, merrily! It is all but a dream in the stream...
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