Saturday, October 29

Good Vibrations...

By Mario's way of thinking, vibrations vibrate everything. Sound and light comprise all of what we see and hear and even those things we don't see or hear... everything vibrates!

This dawned on Mario in the middle of one of his sessions with "gUM"... (that Ohm... Amen... vibrating sounds of sand thing...), And Mario, who is always too distracted with some other this or that, re-members the joy of these vibrations one day while raking leaves, and how he had completely forgot the joy of that vibration!

At the same time, (while raking the leaves), Mario also reflected on the fact that the Universe is expanding. Space is expanding. His mind is expanding. And he knows that this space must vibrate... for if it didn't, stars would not be in the sky... (nor SETI so well funded), and we know that light is vibration... "gUM" is all he says.

So, Mario gets an idea...

He wants to tell the world a secret message that only the very attentive and persistent of his readership will explore or discover. And for those he is certain that he must become a Mathamusician to do it! "Perhaps that is the reason for this gift?" Mario says to himself, and only time will tell, for Mario has a tendency to get lost in distraction.

Now, a Mathamusician is not an easy thing to become. In fact, it is hard to even define what exactly a Mathamusician is! To Mario, it entails a bit of everything. Yes, it is math. It is music, too. But it is also musings on language as well as religious studies and the study of systems... it's economics and politics... it's sociology and science and everything anyone has ever learned or experienced on this little blue speck since any one on it even knew that they where on it in the first place! It is a combination of everything! And it is more than that, too.

"Now, wait a minute!" you say? "How can that even be?" you might add. Or "that's absurd" along with any number of other such utterances... and you may be right. Though to Mario, that is of no concern. You see, he feels he has found the key to accessing all of this in-formation and it is as simple as tuning into the vibrations of "gUM"...

And this is part of what he wants to share with his readership! Mario has great faith in his readership, as he knows his readers are adventurers, just like him. And also, just like him, they too have been seeking a path that would allow them to live their lives as they so see fit. He is certain of it! And it is to these folks that Mario wants to engage.

And it was the arrival of that gift which got Mario to thinking this way in the first place! So, it's not even Mario who set this ball in motion, it is the sender of the gift. And gUM only knows who that is... And either way... Mario's Mathamusicianings is only but one of a countless number of paths to the source... this is Mario's voice. There are few-some-many like it, but this one is his.

And with that, Mario figures that he has mastered enough of what he needs to know to best convey what he intends to convey, and anything that he has not yet learned will be taught him in due time. "So enough with the procrastination's  he says to himself... "I VIBRATE!"

Now, for Mario to perform such great feats of in-sight and his conviction of being able to do so and convey it to others is only due to his confidence and his humility. Mario knows he may not be as accurate on all accounts as he would like, but he is certain that the gist will be gotten.

The problem lies in where to start, firstly, and the hope that his readership will be proactive enough to explore further, any issue they feel needs validation from external primary sources, secondly, so that they too, can come to their own conclusion on whether or not any of this makes the least bit if sense to them.

So, while Mario sits there vibrating... saying to him self "I VIBRATE" he picks up the gift... this precious present... and he shakes it! He taps it and the tink-tink-tapping sound is pleasing surely, but it is no vibration to speak of, so Mario thinks, "what does this 'baton' sound like?"

And then it hits him: "Sounds are tones and these tones are re-presented with notes and these notes are the first seven letters of the alphabet and if only I could combine these notes with their numbers and the alphabet... then I'd have something!" "I could hear my gift!" he says out loud!

"So, let's see..." and Mario starts to jot down: ABCDEFG, 1234567 and realizes that a full octave is 1/2 or in the Key of C, starts with C and ends with C! And Mario knows that a string on his guitar when played open is the same tone when played at the half-way point! Open E sounds the same as E on the twelfth fret which is also the half way point! So he writes: CDEFGABC, 12345678 and then thinks... "wait... there are 26 letters in the alphabet... hmm... how am I going to get the alphabet to line-up with the numbers and notes?"

Mario picks-up the baton and admires its lines... the feeling of balance it has in his hands... he taps it a few more times as he thinks... and thinks "I'm not even half way there!"... and then, clink! He does some ratios...

"26/7=3.7142857 too messy, 26/8=3.25 too neat, 26/9=2.888... interesting, 26/10=2.6 too neat... hmm..." Mario ponders a few things here. He makes a grid and draws out the numbers, notes and alphabet of each:

1 2 3 4  5 6 7


1 2  3  4 5  6  7  8
I  J  K L M N O P
Y Z -  -  -   -  -   -


1 2  3  4 5  6  7  8 9
AB C D E  F G  H I
S T U V W X Y Z -

and finally;

C D E  F  G A  B C D E
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
A B C  D E  F G  H  I  J
K L M N O P Q  R  S T
U V W X Y Z  -  -   -  -

"hmm..." he says.

"The third one down is 26/9=2.888... and that is interesting... I like 8's... it's like infinity standing up for itself... and an octave ratio is 1/2, and 1/2 of 2.888... is 1.444... which is close to PHI at 1.61803398874989484820... or the Golden Ratio... sort of... and the Fibonacci sequence of 0+1=1+1=2+1=3+2=5+3=8+5=13+8=21+13=34+21=55... which starts out as 1/2 over 1 +1 = 1.5 +1 = 2.5... which is close to 2.888... and gets closer to PHI as it runs... and, well if No Thing plus Some Thing is 1, then Some Thing plus Some Thing is Some Thing Else! and if the un-examined life is not worth living is true and/or cogito ergo sum? Then I shall examine it and if I think, and therefore I think I think I am... and by my existing in the void of the Universe is 0+1=1! and if an other 1 gets this then 2 and an other is 3 and an other is 5 and an other is 8, etc...!!! and Fibonacci was an Italian and I am an Italian... then... no... that would be too coincidental... absurd even... And sure, 2.888... in half is smaller than PHI...  at 1.444... which is closer to the Fibonacci 1.5 as it starts out, then... well you do the numbers!!!" 

And that is how Mario chose the third one down. He liked that the 8's stood-up. 

For giggles, Mario even did a bit of numerology on 2.888... and dis-covered another interesting phenomena that also made him feel that this was the best choice. He took 2+8=10+8=18 and 1+8=9+8=17 and 1+7=8+8=16 and 1+6=7+8=15 and 1+5=6+8=14 and 1+4=5+8=13 and 1+3=4+8=12 and 1+2=3+8=11 and 1+1=2+8= 10 and 1+0=1+8=9+8=17 and 1+7=8+8=16 and 1+6=7+8=15 and 1+5=6... and well... if you look at the bold numbers... it looks like a scale of notes getting lower and lower on the scale... and that was cool to Mario, too!

NOTE: Any way, that is always fun to play with... and besides... this exact thing is what your kids already know from the Harry Potter series... it's what Hermione uses to get an inside track on things... and sure that is fiction, BUT SO IS THIS! So relax a bit and enjoy the ride. This is a 1984-Brave New World-We-Divinci Code-esq... creation of a Modest Proposal... Flow with it if you get the metaphor... or hit the door if it's beyond you, and don't let it hit ya in the ass on the way out... (Author pipping in just-incase some pin-head gets their feathers ruffled and takes it outta context...Read that "About This Blog" page if ya got any Q's).

So, let's continue...

"OK" you may be saying to yourself, "Where's he going with this?" And what a good question that is, indeed.

You see, Mario is learning to COMPOSE.

He is becoming a "Composer".

And from what he composed, he can conduct his composition! He can conduct his creations from his conscious mind into his sub/un-conscious mind and play it out into the ether of space to see if it vibrates with the Great Universal Mind!

Mario vibrates and is about to sing and dance to his own tune!

And how many readers out there have at some point or other, in the course of their lives, wished for such clarity? Wished for an ability to conduct their own lives as they so see fit? Longed for the ability to create from no thing, some thing that brought them joy? Brought them control? Gave them In-Sight? Got In-Formed? Got In-Spired?!

Well, here is the "how" and the "what" of Mario's adventure... and you'll have to hang on for the "why"! That is the best part!

For now, focus on the task at hand:


21265 in C is DCDAG!

Check it for your self:

1 2  3  4 5  6  7  8 9
AB C D E  F G  H I
S T U V W X Y Z -

And so, this is where the fun starts:

Get an instrument of any kind on which you know the notes and play DCDAG... play them individually... or combine them... use chords too... and fiddle with it! That is the creative process of it!

If it sounds and feels right, then to you, it is! Go with it! Groove! VIBRATE! Sing! Dance! En-JOY!

The point is, it works. And this made Mario so very happy as this was his first composition and he now had an idea of what he thought his baton sounded like... and he went on to add "My" to it and got FADCDAG and by using chords in a free form fashion, Mario sung himself to sleep.

Sweet dreamz.
