At times, things come into focus with startling clarity. Memories spark the oddest things. For example, I remember back some time reading “The River Why?” by David James Duncan when I was in my fly-fishing days... and feeling a bond with the story I couldn't quite explain. (The Universe was talking to me, again...) And then, oddly enough, I actually meet David in Seattle! I was at a conference, went to the hotel bar, and this fellow sits down next to me. We get to talking, and somehow, books come up. I suggest "The River Why?" he looks at me and in not so polite terms says I must be kidding him! We go back and forth... He finally believes me... and we chat further. We find that both of our Fathers are in Estacada... and that there is a bit of tension to those respective relationships... Short story, we exchange emails... time passes... and I am completely amazed. We never connect. We never fish. And then then I stop fishing...
Streams, Estacada, Fathers and some not so light banter... How fly-fishing brought me to a new understanding of my place in the Universe, how life seemed to make sense... How I felt, like now, on top of the world, and how then, I knew nothing. I was innocent, ignorant and out of control.
And I sit here now, looking back, and Re-Membering things that come full circle... BizEthics... a class on said topic dropped, a book in the airstream I just acquired ON BizEthics, post 'Operation Airstream', post Pete Pallash, post Amelia... post postings posted... postponed... past cable... past senseless dronings of other "others"... past reading... past meaning...and now, pre-sent-ly Re-Membering.
In vertigo, trapped in a vortex, working for Vortex, BizEthics in streamz, the whole stream thing.
Trying to find a name for her, (Grace), trying to thank those that made it possible... the grace... the aging process... the lessoning of eye-sight... loss of memories... the 'The'... the effort needed to recall... to explain... and the wish that I'd have done a better job of it all at the time it was salient. My personal irritation at not having done as good of a job as is needed to be able to recall it all...
That serendipitous why... that river why... nagging... again... barely perceptible...
What I wrote at that time when I thought I could go no further... Could go no lower... Could lose no more... how silly I was... how...
See Attached if so inclined. Then, on to the next POST! Why...
At times, things come into focus with startling clarity. Memories spark the oddest things. For example, I remember back some time reading “The River Why?” by David James Duncan when I was in my fly-fishing days... and feeling a bond with the story I couldn't quite explain. (The Universe was talking to me, again...) And then, oddly enough, I actually meet David in Seattle! I was at a conference, went to the hotel bar, and this fellow sits down next to me. We get to talking, and somehow, books come up. I suggest "The River Why?" he looks at me and in not so polite terms says I must be kidding him! We go back and forth... He finally believes me... and we chat further. We find that both of our Fathers are in Estacada... and that there is a bit of tension to those respective relationships... Short story, we exchange emails... time passes... and I am completely amazed. We never connect. We never fish. And then then I stop fishing...
Streams, Estacada, Fathers and some not so light banter... How fly-fishing brought me to a new understanding of my place in the Universe, how life seemed to make sense... How I felt, like now, on top of the world, and how then, I knew nothing. I was innocent, ignorant and out of control.
And I sit here now, looking back, and Re-Membering things that come full circle... BizEthics... a class on said topic dropped, a book in the airstream I just acquired ON BizEthics, post 'Operation Airstream', post Pete Pallash, post Amelia... post postings posted... postponed... past cable... past senseless dronings of other "others"... past reading... past meaning...and now, pre-sent-ly Re-Membering.
In vertigo, trapped in a vortex, working for Vortex, BizEthics in streamz, the whole stream thing.
Trying to find a name for her, (Grace), trying to thank those that made it possible... the grace... the aging process... the lessoning of eye-sight... loss of memories... the 'The'... the effort needed to recall... to explain... and the wish that I'd have done a better job of it all at the time it was salient. My personal irritation at not having done as good of a job as is needed to be able to recall it all...
That serendipitous why... that river why... nagging... again... barely perceptible...
What I wrote at that time when I thought I could go no further... Could go no lower... Could lose no more... how silly I was... how...
See Attached if so inclined. Then, on to the next POST! Why...
Thank you.
Originally Posted by driftless
I read, and enjoyed your paper. It reminds me of the old saying, "A writer writes because he has something to say, not to just say something." (or however it goes)
My oldest son lives in Ft. Collins and fishes the streams in the Rockies. I'm going to share it with him as I believe he will relate....
Thank you Lew!
It really was a very pivotal point in my life. As you follow this blog, you will see other such revelations. Enjoy.