cont... "Why"...
Posted 03-15-2011 at 10:46 PM by Mr.E
Now, I hope I didn't loose you there. The above sets that stage... AND WE WILL get to the Airstream, to the Restoration... I just have to draw the picture... Let you get to know me, see the transformation... to embrace the story if you will.
So, time passes.
Things get way out of wack.
And having gone deep into an abyss... loss of jobs, relationships, direction, housing, etc... I held on.
I'm going to skip all of that for now, and tell you those bits when they're needed.
Suffice it to say, a lot has happened until I got sick!
(Now, pay attention. This is where the Airstream comes into view, but before it does, you need to know what brought it into reality... so, yes... you're gonna have to read all about the sickness... the near death experience... and a second, second chance. And no, this is not Ira Glass' This American Life's "Second Chance" story... THAT was gory, very gory. ref. to NPR/Cable TV spot... And I have something on that, too!)
Thyroid story... to follow... (Who knew? No one ever asks you, "So, how's your thyroid..." Prostate, sure! But never the thyroid...)
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