Tangents... So many little inlets and eddies along the way, each as interesting and interlacing as the next. Little this's and that's which captivate us and attempt to steer us from our path...
Well hey, don't sweet the small stuff. Because in each and every one of those little distractions is a reverberating voice with countless sign posts that spit us back out into the stream, whether or not we want it to.
Here is one such example: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/03/weekinreview/03cannell.html?_r=1
And, it is these little distractions which serve to validate our path in the stream!
Anyway, GRACE.
This realization process described above is kinda how I got spat back into the stream. And forgive me for the pun, but there was a lot of Air in between.
And I have to tell you, being in air is very disorienting, at least for me. It is the realm of birds. And it too, is loaded with metaphor, for it is the land of The Gospels. (More on that at some other point. It's a tangent...)
Now, I personally, am much more comfortable in the water. And perhaps, as wacky as it is to some, my having been born in July may have something to do with it. Perhaps I am that Crab: Hard-shelled, soft on the inside, never releasing my grasp on certain things I think precious, always coming at things side-ways... all true to some astronomical archetype.
A distraction? Sure. But ya get spat back-out... with just a glimmer more of insight, a bit more information. And that inspires! Don't sweat it.
So, my 'forming within' process melds with my ability to see within, which puts my spires to new heights! So high, in-fact, that they burst out of me and shoot skyward! And "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"!
Now, you've read everything up to "He Ain't Heavy" I hope, because this is where I'll continue from as best I can.
"Grace is Central to a happy home."
It is a geographic locating, yes. It is demographic as well. But most importantly, it is psycho-graphic in that it connects us to the whole.
And we 'wabbits' live in these 'them thar wholes'! And Elmer is always taking shots.
Now, it doesn't take a great deal of imagination to see the import of all of this. On a surface level, there are those out there that take the external of things and never internalize. Takers that never see beyond the outward appearances of things... And in one's life, there are way too many of those Taker-folks out there. And as sad as all that is, and as hopeful as we can be that that is not always the case... we still find ourselves in the company of those surface dwellers that would have easily left us floating on the stream like a spent Mayfly.
No. Get away from those fucko's... Those Takers... Learn to identify them, then back away slowly. Don't turn your back, no matter what they say. These "The They's" want only to destroy you. To feed off-of-you. They are vamparistic, soul-sucking, soul-crushing, coulda-woulda-shoulda's living in the land of Aught! To them, you are naught, but a play-thing to be toyed with. Just get away. (And yet, in some other post, we'll explore a hope that does exist here... latter... just more tangents...)
It is those OTHERS out there which see beyond that, which see deeper, and that I am most in awe of...
And this seeing, becomes to me, My most-touching introduction to grace that I have ever witnessed!
One way of thinking about the meaning I intend here, is to have 'The Lord of the Rings' in your mind. Imagine if you will, that Samwise Gamgee is not helping Frodo, but Bilbo... (just after his Eleventieth birth-day). After Bilbo's adventures. After his finding of the ring and finally getting home to write it all down. And imagine that it is Sam's place that I am in, as a Bilbo, and before Gandalf swoops in or the giving of that ring to Frodo.
Now, it's not Sam that's talking... It's the Ring. And there is a Sam-like Sam, not Frodo's Sam that's got my back.
We'll, if you can picture this, than you can picture the warmth of it all and what I am trying to convey.
From the Corner: 94 North to Irving, left on Central, left on Grace... and you're not sure why, but your whole being begins to vibrate. You shake and shiver. Your palm's start sweating and you feel like you're going to pass-out... You've just gotten out of the hospital, mind you, and you're a bit weak at the knees.
You are tenderly ushered in, made to feel welcome beyond your wildest imaginings and pass-out for a month. It is then, and only then that Grace makes her appearance...
The "crushing" continues... next post.
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