If you have not been reading this blog from the very beginning or you are new to this space, please go directly to the ABOUT THIS BLOG and get familiar with it. Than, If you choose to continue... do so from the very beginning so everything falls into context for you. Cause if you just scroll down into the middle of something... not familiar with what it is predicate upon... than you will have a completely warped perception of what this whole thing is. So Please Start from the beginning and by the time you get to this, you'll be ready for it's content. It is a work in progress. It is art in process. It is what it is.
Sorry y'all, so, having mentioned before that I was going to address dealing with your 'shit'... Please know that the last post was for me to get that 'thank you' out of my head - as it had been bugging me for some time - and I just needed to "get 'er done" as JZ says.
(Yes, Johnny! I hope you're reading this shit! I got stories on stories on your kick-fuckin-assness during all of this shit, but ain't gonna put none of it up till we talk and burn some shit, smoke some shit, and eat some good shit... so, read on!) <Opps... sorry. (I have those moments every now & then... Must be the humidity down here... or maybe it's that I miss the CORNER... anyway... [and as choppy of a segue as that was...]... let's get back on track)...>
Now... some of you know the back-side back-story of the back story... of the previous winter...
And... some of you know... that there was a lot of shit going on then, too.
Some of you where very sad at what you saw... and some of you couldn't quite grasp it... And still others, could have given a rats ass or quite frankly, may not have known.
And some of you know about that "Dealing with your shit rant" that I had had at that time...
And some of you have witnessed the transformations... not only one, this but others as well...
And all of you have provided various levels of support through various means and in various ways at various times to varying degrees.
And when I was in the shit SO deep, that my shit needed serious help this time, when you could not look away... you could not dismiss... you could not ignore... you put on boots that I didn't even know existed and trudged through it all to get me! (And that goes for some of those anonymous folks that pitched in too!)
And than through all of that shit, those of you that came to my rescue became THE SHIT!
And that was golden!
That was brilliant!
That shed light onto a path which allowed me to navigate out of the shit!
And you kept those boots on and held my arm till, and so that, I wouldn't slip and fall back into it!
So yes, all this talk of shit has a purpose.
And here it is:
Dealing with your shit...
Dealing with your shit...
Dealing with your shit...
Dealing with your shit...
The idea of dealing with one's shit, is predicate upon defining 'shit'.
So let's do just that!
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, c. 1981, Houghton-Mifflin, defines 'shit' as:
shit (shĭt) v. shit or shat (shăt) or shitted, shitting, shits. -intr.
Vulgar. To defecate. -tr. Vulgar Slang. To decieve or mislead.
-n. 1. Vulgar. Excrement. 2. Vulgar. An act of defecating.
3. Yulgar Slang. Worthless matter; junk. 4. Vulgar Slang. Fool-
ish or misleading talk; nonsense. 5. Vulgar Slang. A highly ob-
jectionable person. 6. Vulgar Slang. A narcotic drug; espe-
cially, heroin. -interj. Vulgar Slang. Used to express anger or
disappointment. [Middle English shiten, to void excrement,
Old English scatin (attested only in compound bescītan, to be-
foul). See skei- in Appendix*]
And though this seems to be a fully formed definition, it is not the only definition.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/shit defines it further: (And better, in my humble opinion).
And we haven't even considered The Oxford English Dictionary, (OED), which is the self-proclaimed "definitive record", to which, after reading The Professor and the Madman, ISBN:[0060839783 / 0-06-083978-3] adds a whole other level of 'shit' we are not ready to add to this process of defining 'shit'.
And we could go further still with a Google/Wiki wonderland of more 'shit' to add to this 'shit', which like the OED 'shit' turns it into 'shit'.
And all of it is 'Bullshit'.
And that 'shit' has been attempted by Harry G. Frankfurt in his On Bullshit, Princeton, 2005, ISBN:0-691-12294-6, which I highly recommend, even though it too, adds to the pile.
So, let's take a short-cut here, and define it as:
'To utter in vulgar slang, and in a foolish or exagerated fashion, something un-wrought, that is strong, authoritative, intense, obscure, some-what deceptive perhaps and full of candor'.
How's that?
Right. That's a whole nother can of worms... take that out...
No, put it back in... [Ahhh......! Never mind.]
It lacks something, though... Some inadvertancy... Some aspect of vapor... Some punch!
Maybe, we can approach it from the literal to the figurative? How's that?
On the literal, most don't even want to address it.
That's why we have such elaborate systems with which to deal with shit, and keep it out of sight-out of mind...
And maybe that works if you live in a modern society, in a brick & mortar structure so fully accomodated...
But if your not, like say, in an Airstream, than things get a bit different.
There are many considerations here, too, as to how you deal. And all of "how well you'll deal" is predicate upon whether having had delt before or not. Like say, in a camping scenario. But that has variables as well.
Again, predicate upon degrees of experience. And so very few in a 'Modern' society, have. Which is exactly why this is such a vulgar and uncouth topic in the first place... right?
If you don't know how to deal with your shit on a literal level, with first-hand experiences, than you will be unequiped to even begin exploreing the figurative.
Here's why:
Figuratively speaking, your figurative shit is MUCH less couth to deal with.
And I mean that literally!
We, as a 'Modern' society'd peoples, all hide our shit. We hide birth. We hide death. We hide illness. We hide uglyness, etc.. You get the idea, we hide our shit and don't want to deal with it AT ALL!
That's why we have doctors/hospitals and mortitians/funeral homes and sanitation/plumbing systems, and mountains of pills and out of control bills, as we medicate our selves to death, or try to surround our selves with shit that makes us feel better about our 'shit', or pay for the shit we've already got, until that shit turns to shit, the shit pills stop doing their shit job, or the plumbing blows, or ya get sick or yur gonna die.
Than your into the shit over your head and still can't deal with it!
What to do?
What to do...
So, doesn't it make sense to deal with it long before it becomes an issue? I mean, wouldn't it be nice if any of that shit we just looked at, only required a pair of boots to pull-on and know that our footing is solid, so as we can wade through that shit... and also, so we're not covered in it?
But maybe not. Maybe suckin shit, eating shit, taking shit, getting shit, giving shit and all the variations of shit is exactlly what we need in order to understand it.
And 'it' is a whole different ball of wax! 'It' is shit and it is not-shit. No shit! It is everything and no thing, but it is not nothing, and if you get that, than you've delt with your shit and are laughing like a fool right now!
Because YOU know that none of this shit matters.
What matters is that you give a shit.
And agian, to those that did, thank you.
:) Cheers
P.S. (See, I told y'all, shit happens...)
P.P.S. And more is sure to follow... I shit you not...
P.P.P.S. If for some unfortunate reason, you found this to be offensive, than please do read on. As you may not have yet figured out that this approach is by design intended to fluster traditional thinking patterns. And, perhaps, by continuing on with this journey, you too, will be better equipped to deal with what-ever life throws your way. And IF, after you have given it a fair-shot, and still can't stomach the content or its delivery, than by all means, do move on as I clearly stated in the "About this" blog page, that it is what it is, and I make no apologies. For this is my life, expressed as best I can, to inspire others to follow what ever calling it is that they feel they may have or that might present itself. Perhaps GRACE is a vehicle in which to do just that. And at least for me, it is. And this does not mean that I am in some "Into the Wild" movie script either. And no, I have not lost my mind. And yes, this is but one of many alternatives to finding ways of dealing with the challenges of life, that again, seeks to inspire positive change into a social construct that has seemingly lost its fucking mind. Think of it as a vent that at least for me, balances the extremes between apathy or extremism, as I believe both will end superfluously. Travel well - Row YOUR boat - Tow another if & when they NEED it - Do it gently and with great joy - As life is but a dream. That is the theme of this Stream, it is the mythos of this dream, and I seek to do it with GRACE. Cheers
P.P.P.S. If for some unfortunate reason, you found this to be offensive, than please do read on. As you may not have yet figured out that this approach is by design intended to fluster traditional thinking patterns. And, perhaps, by continuing on with this journey, you too, will be better equipped to deal with what-ever life throws your way. And IF, after you have given it a fair-shot, and still can't stomach the content or its delivery, than by all means, do move on as I clearly stated in the "About this" blog page, that it is what it is, and I make no apologies. For this is my life, expressed as best I can, to inspire others to follow what ever calling it is that they feel they may have or that might present itself. Perhaps GRACE is a vehicle in which to do just that. And at least for me, it is. And this does not mean that I am in some "Into the Wild" movie script either. And no, I have not lost my mind. And yes, this is but one of many alternatives to finding ways of dealing with the challenges of life, that again, seeks to inspire positive change into a social construct that has seemingly lost its fucking mind. Think of it as a vent that at least for me, balances the extremes between apathy or extremism, as I believe both will end superfluously. Travel well - Row YOUR boat - Tow another if & when they NEED it - Do it gently and with great joy - As life is but a dream. That is the theme of this Stream, it is the mythos of this dream, and I seek to do it with GRACE. Cheers
Another way of seeing the connections to the whole, the 'it' ...and the reason I am doing this is to connect to the whole of 'it'... is that this mind-space is one of a collective effort to do just that... here's an uplifting example my brother shared which shows the power of putting your ideas into the stream: http://www.wimp.com/choirvoices/