Monday, May 23

Elemental Happenstance's...

The Universe speaks and all one needs do is tune-in.

I have been blessed.

GRACE was given to me as you all know... and I live in a dream-stream land of happenstances that words fall short of expressing.

And now, the Universe has turned her eye on me still further... to carry a message:

And you all know what that message is... "Row gently and merrily, it is all but a dream, let go... go with the flow...".

And some of you know my passion for water.

My PASSION for metaphor...


You know I was a DJ way back when...

You know I was an Account Executive for a small division of Experian, way back when...

You know I was an Account Executive for Prime Media in their Marketing Division with three media properties...

You know I was also, 'Vacerro-Pitsero-Roe-Kon-Roe-llerro' delivering pizza and chicken wings in Denver...

Some of you have known me at the Handy-Man... The Security Systems Guy... The phone guy... the Corner Guy... the what-ever ya call it guy... the home-less guy... the sick and dyin guy...

Some have seen me at my best... some at my worst.

And some have seen something else...

Now, what is really awesome is, that all of this has made me into the me that is.

And the me that is... has congelled into a Mr.E. (Congelled is a combination of combining and gelling in mystical ways... it is happenstance and serendipitous... it is full-circle... it is fluid.)

It is elemental in the physical, and meta in the beyond of that...

It is fluid.

And why any of this is important is:

Everything that has happened in my life and is now currently happening is interconnected into a personal dream that I believe is a mirror to the collective whole. You read about it in the last post with the defining of Myth... the Joeseph Campbell quote is but one example.

Another is from "The Heart of Understanding" by Thich Nhat Hanh... ISBN: 0-938077-11-2.

In there, you will read about INTERBEING. It is a story about a cloud floating in a sheet of paper.

Thich Nhat Hanh tells how water is a metaphor for understanding. He tells how without the cloud, the paper can not exist.

And you know how clouds live in air streams, and you know that I live in an Airstream, and you know her name is GRACE, and you know I flow... you know I row... you know I stream this dream here under the moniker of Mr.E...

And now, I want to help you to tie together the personal me, to the professional me... to demystify a vision that I believe to be nothing short of Magical!

Mystical even!

A 'Magical Mr.E Tour'!

So, fasten your seat-belts, cause this is gonna warp your minds:

Now take pause here.

Re-member that story 'Illusions'... Remember the river... the clingers... and the let go! And watch this:

And this:

And this but once again:

You read "A Serendipitous Why", and followed the illness...

You provided GRACE...

Shit got SMASHED!

You read the flow of the personal back-story... and now we're going to tie it all together.


Air and Water.

Cycles... Re-cycles... re-cycl-ings...

Some thought it nuts for me to gamble on such absurdities as these... To risk it all... to go home-less... to sleep in a hammock! To camp in garage!

To venture into a tornado... to seek it's eye! To find its center.

It is an enterprise that the nay-says said could not be done.

These nay-says, are snools. And this is a snool-free zone!

I swam.

I sank.

I got Smashed!

Smash! saved me.

The corner I was in and the community that is the CORNER, saved me.

You all gave me GRACE.

And she is gracious beyond words...

And in this stream... I row... I steer... I flow...

And that illusive income-stream... through a River, flowed...

River Metals... Elementals...

And the IT Show... showed IT! And metaphors pour...

A Weaver connected to LaPoint.

A thread was drawn...

I met one of the fates... Atropos... a fiery red pheonix... fixed in Cincy...

We floated. Moisture. Warmth. Springings!

And the Weaver offered time...

And two-weeks of in-sight!

In-spired! In-forming!

And the Universe must have Her way.

The paradigm is shifting.

Grovin to a tune of Kuhn, the problem, the crisis, the revelatory reverberations of a revolution in zeitgeist...

Commitments of vendors to play in the Circus... The Road-Show... The Magical Mr.E Tour!

A truck(MONSTER) presents itself... I must Earnst it... Mark it in my mind... I must wade into that moonscape... and with an imitation, cast lines at shadows... koi-time... a slip-strip-stike! Copper in the light... torn from its atmosphere in fear to hear and see the light... exit the cave. Hear the 'why'...

Do what's right.

Do. Be. Flow. Row. Stream. Dream.

Answer the "who am I and how do I fit in my society"?

Take this theater-of-the-absurd on the road! And once you see it... You will be Un-Mazed! Amazingly so!

It is exciting!!! A silver lining in a cloud swirling in a vortex taking mist into moisture to let it rain... right as rain... and see these babblings, like a brook... turn to streams... to rivers... to seas... to ocean... re-cycles... where shit-streams from the main-stream turn to gold that flows back to the those... the others... away from the-they's... away from the nay-says... the clingers and takers...

It is liberation. It is this heart of this Nation. It is a chicken in the pot. It is self-reliance! Confidence!

It is a dream come true...

Let go.

Let go.

And in the process, all is one.

A cleansing.

A baptism.

The Ganges.

The night sky.

A shift.

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