Tuesday, April 12

Spring... Please SPRING...

So. The story here is far from done and nowhere near complete.

There are a million little details that need to be filled in.

But this darn Spring thing is on my mind...

You know... when I was in the city, there where these birds that'd sit right outside my window on a wire and chirp and flutter and fuss... and than the squirrels would squeal, chase each other about... and that couple you could hear a few windows away...

Ya know... SPRING!

And it is a Springin like mad!

So I zoosk'ed myself, just to see if there is a soul out there that could even possibly "get" me... and I sent out invites to some folks to get their HONEST opinion of me, for Testimonials, and to all of you that have/will, Thank you.

I am sure there is someone out there... in this stream of inter-webbing... that would think it cool to hang-out.

Hard as it is to admit... I miss the Corner, the City, and the folks... and I really need to meet some new folks 'round these here parts.

And I hope that any of 'em that sees this will explore a bit. For, to YOU, obviously, you figured-out how to find this in the stream. So, Here I am! Go to the About page. Start from the beginning. Heck, if ya made it this far, why not take a look-see and if this me, Mr.E, is even remotely interesting to you?!

Cause I know you're out there... And I know you get this... and this me. So, anyway...

SPRING it on!!!

Make a comment or somethin'... or join... or somethin'...


Oh! and hey... help us all out here if you're so inclined:

Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in TARP money, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes? Yeah, me neither. COPY and REPOST

1 comment:

  1. i feel as if michelle and i have inspired you to find one to love =) you never spoke of wanting to find yo'self a gurl. well done, sir.
